My worst project ever? I don't know about that much but I certainly think its taken me the longest. Its the small cuts they are overwhelming and the mastic is just messy. I hate it, I can't wait for it to be over :(
Pain is beauty right? Yea right...
Anyway, this post is a tutorial, I am famous for these, but hey, I figure if your going to attempt a DIY project let some other schmuck do it first!! Let them screw it all up, face the challenges and learn from them. Then try it out.
We we are the schmucks...
I was so happy with my choice of tile, it was a great price, great looking and 12x12 so it will go up fast right? Like in 2 days fast, right?? Wrong! more like 2 months... well that's us procrastinating a bit, ok A LOT. Whatever...
I did turn out great :)
This is how we started, with thinset and tape. The part that took the longest was the cutting.
On the other side of the kitchen I picked up a SimpleMat from Home Depot. I wanted to try it out.
Very easy to use, not messy at all.

They are 18x9? I think, which was good, because a typical back splash is 18 inches from counter to bottom of upper cabinet.
This stuff was super sticky, but it went up really fast and without a mess.
No the reviews say that once a tile is on you cant get it off, not true they pop back off. However, because they pop back off, some may fall off. They tended to sag a bit as well. But, they were easily adjustable.
After the tile was grouted, I did notice that these tiles can still move, so, before it dries don't push on them or move them at all. I had to place a small board behind the stove to temporally keep them from sagging out of alignment.
All in all I would use the mat again, a lot less messy, just takes care.
Have a great week!!