I wanted to share another custom project that I dared to take on over the weekend, you can see the first one here. It was quite a daunting task, I have to admit I was a little intimidated.
It all started with a trip to Pottery Barn (many of my project do) and I was browsing around trying to get some inspiration. I cam across the sale rack, yes they have one! There were some great looking napkins just sitting there calling my name. I picked them up and thought to myself, these would make great pillows for my living room. Now, I have seem pillows made from napkins MANY times. I couldn't credit just one person/blog for the idea. I just thought I would share how to get custom pillows for very little time and money.
Here you go:
Step 1:
Get yourself some great napkins, dinner napkins from wherever. Just make sure they are opaque enough to mask the "stuffing" inside.
The two I found were $3 each at pottery barn. But I only had two, so I needed backs for the "pillows". The napkins were 20"x20". Not a typical size (as I found out later), I found a great set at Bed Bath and Beyond, nice texture and color.
Step 2:
Pick out your thread and zippers for the pillows. If you don't already have them. I don't of course. I've never even used a sewing machine before!
This is what I picked and as you can see it turned out great. They key is to bring everything with you..
Step 3:
Next you need to get everything pinned and ready to sew. Sewing a zipper is not that hard, it just take some time. Take your time and pin it well so it doesn't move and then sew it slow. :)
Also, you have to sew the pillow inside out, the two "good sides" face each other. Make sure the zipper is also facing in, it is a little confusing so check your work before you start the seam. I started with the zipper.
See how the zipper is facing down? I pinned it to the backside seam of the napkin, and I repeated the same step on the other napkin. Here is what it looks like once you get to the end. It hard to sew the corners with a zipper. I just bent the zipper back and did the corners.
Step 4:
As you can see the hardest part is getting the zipper seam just right. It took a couple times :( I also had some help!
The last part is pinning and sewing the other 4 sides. This part went really really fast. The most important thing to remember is keep it straight and even on each side.
I love them, I think they turned out great for about $8 dollars a piece!
So after all that you end up with this:
On the Chair:
On the Couch:
I like them on the couch, but I can see them form the other rooms on the chairs better. I'm sure I will flip flop them around a bit... :)
Have a great day!!